
Pinned is a psychological thriller adapted from the short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.  Our short was an official selection of the California Women's Film Festival and a semi-finalist of the Los Angeles CineFest.

Our interpretation probes into modern manifestations of anxiety.  Just as T.Y.W. explores a Victorian woman's imprisonment in sedentary isolation, so too does Pinned scrutinize an isolation tied to womanhood--now within a fast-paced, demanding world riddled with over-stimulation and inundation.

The film was a suuuuper-microbudget passion project, brought to life by a talented cast & crew who all donated their time to this production. Over the course of one summer, we developed the script, shot the film, and completed post-production & VFX.  It is by no means a perfect film, but we learned a lot and have all come a long way since this filmmaking experience in 2016.  I am humbled and grateful to have directed this project, and had a blast sprinkling in some producing & editing chops as well.



Starring: Marza Warsinske, Glen Eaton -- with Diana Hsu-Citron, Jacques Brautbar, Tony Swansey, Sean Dwyer, Amanda Charney

Directed By: Kathy J. Liu

Produced By: Rachel Rubin, Leesa Kim, Nick Paskhover

Written By: Leesa Kim

Director of Photography: Rudy Pesci

Production Design & Costuming: Ben Smith

Edited by: Nick Paskhover, Kathy J. Liu

Sound Design & Mix: Charlie Benson

And to so many other who donated their time, talents, workspaces, and burritos! CHEERS!